Coyote Soup

Bringing life back to the family ranch with three young free range braves and lots of organic elbow grease.

Daisy Food March 4, 2011

Filed under: Animals,Country Life,Uncategorized — Piper Long @ 12:20 am
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Today I was digging up the flowerbeds around the barns when I noticed a speck of green.

Oh! A new spring flower!

Being that I’m a far-sighted optimist, it didn’t even cross my mind that I’ve never seen any spring flowers quite like it in all my days. Thinking I may have fortuitously bred a new hybrid, I began planning my article for publication based on the scientific process involved in creating such a unique, attractive plant.

But because I’m a near-sighted realist, I decided it was best if I examine my new creation a bit closer.

That’s when I realized that my find wasn’t a new variety of flower after all. In fact, it wasn’t even a member of the plant group.

This, my friend, is a Christmas stocking. And there’s only one way a stocking wound up being buried in my flower bed.

This was an act of Daisy, our red tick coon hound. The same Daisy that thinks anything can be food. Including the stocking I bought at Target’s after Christmas sale. Apparently, her definition of food is so broad, that she has an abundance of it and needs to bury any excess food finds for future periods of famine.

Poor girl doesn’t realize that farms don’t run out of food. Especially if your definition of food includes inedible items…

And cow feed.

Nevermind the never-ending supply of dogfood in her self feeder.


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