Coyote Soup

Bringing life back to the family ranch with three young free range braves and lots of organic elbow grease.

About February 9, 2011

My name is Piper.

I’m 5’5 on a good day with biceps the size of acorns that I often utilize while assisting my husband, Drover, in the daily workings of our cattle operations.

I met Drover and his Wranglers in the hallway of our high school between classes my freshman year and we’ve been inseparable ever since. The summer following my graduation, we were married.

Because we were young and therefore invincible, we immediately invested every last penny we had earned through high school in a joint business venture. Fortunately, it paid off and afforded us the opportunity to purchase and completely renovate my paternal grandfather’s neglected home and farm in Oklahoma. Along the way, we also purchased a nice herd of cattle, lots of equipment and plenty of elbow grease.

I continued to work my way through college, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of Tulsa with intentions of furthering my education. But I soon became distracted by the birth of my three little braves and all foreseeable plans went completely out the window.

I found myself working as a milkmaid in our newly constructed dairy barn with three little boys. As long as I was armed with plenty of fruit loops and cow kick-stops, the young braves and I were able to handle the occasional milking.

I started this blog in January of 2011 when through a strange series of events, Drover suggested we move from our working dairy farm, which we had completely renovated and perfectly manicured, to a home on his family’s neglected cattle ranch…. you know…. to spruce it up a bit.

I settled with the name Coyote Soup after a very important texting conversation with my Mom. You can read about that here.

This blog is primarily about my life and my role as a wife, mother, daughter, peacekeeper, cattle wrangler, and one-time hair model. Join me and my family in this journey to bring life back to a neglected cattle ranch!


31 Responses to “About”

  1. Barb Says:

    How exciting! I love your blogs. We wish you all much luck on your new ranch!!!!

  2. Kendall Johns Says:

    Love your site!

  3. Katherine Cook Says:

    Awesome! Just absolutely awesome. So entertaining and sooooo you! Thanks and keep it coming!

  4. Heather Zickefoose Says:

    I am officially hooked to your blogs!! I started reading a few you posted on facebook and now I look forward to them everyday!! I also stole a few of your recipes…thanks for sharing!! Piper you are amazing! 🙂

  5. thf2 Says:

    LOVED your pictures…shouldn’t we all be so fortunate to live in such a beautiful place! Really enjoy your blog, please keep the fun posts coming! 🙂


  6. I love the blog, you are a great writer and photographer. Especially love photos of my little nephews. You are a wonder woman to get so much done in a day!

  7. Pany Says:

    Hey! I’m awarding you with the Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award! Check out my blog to see what it’s all about!

  8. Hi Piper! What a lovely blog you have. I was intrigued by the name, The Barefoot Indian. Keep up the great blogging!

  9. Hi! Just wanted you to know I am really enjoying your bog!

  10. Hi Piper, thank you for commenting on my blog! I’m going to look around yours a little now! 😀 (Looking forward! :D)

  11. thedairymaid Says:

    Hi Piper! I’m a newbie to farm and ranching life. We live in Missouri and my husband is currently transplanting me from the city to his family’s dairy farm out in the middle of nowhere. I started a blog about this transition and how I’m adapting in February. I really like your blog! Your posts are fun and entertaining! I look forward to getting to know you a little better. 🙂

  12. Brenda Says:

    Hi there!

    I just found your site through the pioneer woman’s comments section! You’re a good writer! Your kids are super cute! I live on a dairy farm also, and bringing meals is like a full time job around here 🙂 You guys need to buy one of these to bomb around – Similar
    This thing rocks my socks, and you can get every where and anywhere with it! It’s a good meal bringer too! Plus it only goes about 40 km (25 miles or so). Looking forward to more posts by you!

  13. I have done some big moves in my life too- glad to hear about your adventures! I keep on a blog on Rural Living, which is a very wide topic! Check it out:

  14. Pany Says:

    Hey! I’ve given you the Liebster Blog Award. Check out my blog to see what it’s all about!

  15. Thank you for sharing your life. It sounds exciting from my end. My husband would love to own a small farm with animals, but for now we are in the city on a little tiny “farm” of our own with only chickens and dogs 🙂
    I’d love to follow you and hear more about your adventures with your boys and the farm.

    I just started blogging last month and I want to share with other moms tools that I use to survive life. My main focus is to share my heart and what I am learning and be able to encourage other moms in the hefty task we have. Here is my blog if you are interested in checking it out

    P.S. I found you from the Liebster award on Renee Johnson’s page.

    Look forward to reading your blog. 🙂
    Take care.

  16. americaneedsmoms Says:

    I found you from the Liebster Award and I found your life interesting – I am following you now and I recommended you for the Liebster Award too.
    Look forward to following you 🙂

  17. Hi Piper.
    Do you have a current email address you could share? You could email it to me if you wish.
    Thanks a bunch.

  18. ohiocook Says:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and the “Like” of my post.

  19. 3wishesstudio Says:

    Thanks for stopping in my blog 3 Wishes Studio and liking Pumpkins in Trees. You have a lovely blog and I look forward to seeing what you are up to. Best, Kim

  20. Thanks for following my blog! I’m glad I stopped by to look at yours. I was born in Oklahoma, but don’t remember anything about it–we moved away before I turned three. Your pictures make me want to come back and visit someday!

  21. Twin Creeks Llamas Says:

    Hi Piper,
    What an adventure you have embarked upon. I have enjoyed reading your stories and seeing your photos. What part of OK are you in. We lived in OKC for 5 years when Road Warrior was in the Air Force. That was back in the late 80’s. I had my doubts when we were first assigned there, but we ended up loving it and made some life long friends there. How many head of cattle do you have? How many acres is your farm? So interesting.

    • Piper Long Says:

      Thank you! We are near the Tulsa/Bartlesville area. Due to the drought, we’ve been keeping our cattle numbers lower than usual in an effort to keep from overgrazing our land. We are still working to piece the original Long Ranch back together. It is a slow process, but one that we hope will be worth the time and effort.

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